
Sunday, February 21, 2010

2009 MT State Fair Ribbons (a brag post)

Here's a very late update on my entries in the 2009 Montana State Fair (August).

All my ribbons and my "prize" - a 5 lb bag of sugar!

My favorite tea pot with cozy. I thought long and hard about parting with this one for 2 weeks! What if it got broken - or stolen?! 2nd place ribbon.

A pewter tea pot with cozy. I found this cute tea pot at a thrift store in WA and bought it for $4 to display my cozies in a shop where I was selling them.

My messenger bag. Simple. Functional. Lots o' pockets inside.
5th place ribbon.

Crocheted coasters. 3th place ribbon.

The Friendship quilt Amber King coordinated with many of my friends after my surgery. 5th place ribbon.

Pot holders and dish cloth (don't call it a dish RAG!)
1st place ribbon.

Red polka-dot apron with ric rack trims. I love this apron; I want to add a bib.
3rd place ribbon.

5 pin cushions displayed at the fair. I don't see my favorite one here, but it came back, so all's well. 1st place ribbon.

I hope to update more often, now that I have a laptop and Denny and I can be online at the same time!

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